Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Christmas Drams ~ A Baby changes Everything

This drama is in two parts.  The first is set in modern times.  A man and a woman are giving a TV style monologue talking about the fact that when they have a baby it will not change their lives..... they'll just carry on  (in their dreams) and then afterwards the same couple reflect on how it did infact change their lives.
Part 2 looks at the same senario through the eyes of Mary and Joseph.  This drama was written by me  and used as the Christmas day service at All Saints Church South Cave for Christmas 2010.
 Modern setting :
It won’t change me:

Woman:  I’m pregnant.  It’s really exciting isn’t it!  (Strokes bump lovingly)   People keep telling me that life will never be the same.  Personally, I think I’ll be able to do things in the same way as before, just take the baby along with me.  It’ll be fine. 
Ooo  Do you like me new bag?  It’s sooo cute, tiny and just enough room for a purse and keys.  Guess I’ll have to get one a little bit bigger when the baby comes. 
I’ve just finished decorating, I love my home to be tidy,  I like the minimalist look. Everything tidied away.  I’ve got a great white leather sofa and a beautiful cream shag pile carpet.  
Having a baby?  No it won’t change me!

Man:  My wife’s pregnant.  It’s really exciting isn’t it.   Arrgghhh just look at her. (strokes bump lovingly)  People keep telling me that life will never be the same. Personally I think we’ll be able to do things in the same way, just take the baby along with us.  It’ll be fine.
Oooo did you hear that I’ve just bought a new sports car?  0—60 in 2.35 seconds, leather seats … it’s fantastic!
Got another party tonight as well, that’s three in the past week.  I lurve partying.
Having a baby?   No it won’t change me!

Time Passes ........

It has changed me:

Woman:  I love being a mum, look at my beautiful baby!  I didn’t think it would change me, but it has. 
Do you remember I showed you my little tiny handbag?  Well look at this (hold us bulging nappy bag)  Full to the brim it is with nappies, bottle, change of clothes, toys. No more travelling light for me.  And you know that white sofa and cream carpet, well they won’t stay clean for long with this little one getting into everything, and as for the minimalist look, well it’s gone…  toys all over my house.
Having a baby has changed me, I love being a mum!

Man:  I love being a dad, just look at our beautiful baby!  I didn’t think it would change me, but it has.
Do you remember me telling you about my fab little sports car, well it turned out that a baby, a car seat, a buggy and the rest of the baby paraphernalia just didn’t fit in. I’ve had to get a family car.  0—60 in 50 seconds but.. Who wants to be a boy racer with this little bundle in the car.
As for the parties, we’re both too tired.  I think we got woken up four times last night.
Having a baby has changed me, I love being a dad!

Biblical setting:
Mary’s story:

A baby certainly changed my life, My name is Mary and I’d like to share my story with you.

I was at home one day, just doing the normal stuff, sweeping, washing and cooking when all of a sudden I felt that I wasn’t quite alone.  I turned around and there he was standing in the room with me.
 “Greetings” he said, just like that… “Greetings you are truly blessed, The lord is with you.”  I was so confused, “what do you mean?, I asked. 
So  he said , "Don't be afraid! God is pleased with you, and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make him king, as his ancestor David was.
Now how strange does that sound?
“but I am not married”, I said to him.  Then he told me "The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God's power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God.  You will call him Jesus” 
If that’s what God want me to do, then I will do it, I said.
But can you imagine what happened next, you see I was engaged to Joseph.  What would my family say?   I went from being a young girl planning my wedding and my whole future to having the shock of my life and travelling miles from home to a small stable where my baby was born.  My baby, so small, so special.  I held him in my arms and wondered how it would be.
Looking back now, I can tell you so many ways in which this baby changed me.

Joseph’s story:   A baby certainly changed my life too.  My name is Joseph and I’d like to share my story with you.

I was engaged to be married to Mary, then I heard the rumours that she was pregnant.  Knowing it wasn’t my baby I began to think of ways to discreetly break up with her.  It caused me a lot of sleepless nights, then one night when I finally stopped tossing and turning, I began to dream.  In the dream an angel came to me.  “Joseph” he said.  He called me by my name “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife.  The baby she has conceived is the son of  God. The holy Spirit has come upon her.  She will give birth to a son and he will save the people from their sins.”
I thought about the ancient scriptures that had been taught to me as a child  “A virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and his name will be called Immanuel which means God is with us”.
When I woke up, everything felt better.  I went to see Mary and we were married.
Shortly afterward we travelled for the census to Bethlehem.  And that’s where our little boy was born.
As Mary held him I gazed at this beautiful baby and wondered how he would save his people from their sins.
Looking back I can tell you so many ways in which this baby changed me.

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