Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tutorial ~ Magazine christmas trees

These trees look great clustered together for Christmas
You can use magazines, catalogues or even books.
Remove the front page and any inside pages that come loose.

Remove the back page and  loose inner pages

                                Fold the top right hand corner of the first page diagonally to the spine.

Fold again towards the spine so that the flap resembles a tie.

Fold the overhang back up
Turnover the page and start on page two following the same instructions

work through the whole catalogue
until you have folded every page

Then do the same to the second catalogue

apply glue to the two spines

Press them together

You can either spray the tree with gold or silver spray or leave natural.

 Top with a bow, star, feathers or beads

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Amazing glass Bauble

This glass bauble has been created by Aleksandra Korzeniac.
She has painted this bauble from the inside out which means that you have to think backwards and paint what you want to see on top before you paint the background.
Aleksandra uses her painting skills to paint on many other surfaces including shoes, china etc.
You can see her work here

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Crafted Christmas 2014

Well it's that time of year when once again I start writing on my Christmas blog sharing my makes and those of other crafters.
Christmas for me starts when the children return to school after the summer holidays. As they go out the door, I turn on the Christmas music (thank you Spotify!) and then out come the glue, glitter and paints to get ready for another Christmas.